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Packaging, Branding



Game Design

+who’s due




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Who’s Due
a machine and hand-sewn simulated womb play-experience in which a player fights a twin to the death in the name of speed

Hand Sewing/ Fabrication
Game Design/ Play

“Who’s Due” is a play experience aimed at transporting the player to a time man hardly remembers- the womb. A universal experience, “Who’s Due” aims to bring the player back into this forgotten liminal space. Based on the medical syndrome, known as “vanishing twin syndrome”, this game viscerally creates a natal experience. I created “Who’s Due” with my creative partner, Xiangying Fang. “Who’s Due” will be on display for play at the arcade and bar WonderVille in Brooklyn, New York in February.

Together, a total of 48 hours was spent sewing together recycled fabrics from teddy bears, thrifted shirts, and scraps to create an insulated two layer 5” x 5” x 2” sack. Then, the sack was wired and coded so that two lights with three locations would go off in a random sequence that were sewn into the inside of the “womb”. Once a button was pressed, the second location of lights would appear, and so on. Once a “twin” (who is fixated to another via umbilical cord or crocheted belt) presses a button 10 times, the game is won, the winning twin is the survivor.

 the play experience from the outside ︎︎︎

the play experience from the inside ︎︎︎

pictures of “who’s due” from the inside and outside ︎︎︎