“Story of Nani: True Lies”
an autobiographical game coded and designed completely by me, cataloging integral parts of a relatively short-lived life experience
Narrative Illustration/ Animation
Game Design/ Play
“Story of Nani: True Lies”, or “Nani”, in short, is an experiential piece to get viewers to place themselves in another person’s shoes for a while. What is it like growing up in a Catholic school while queer and filled with shame? Can you sort your goats? Have you designed an album cover? “Nani” explores all of these questions. Who are we if not for our experiences that form how we interact with the world? The experience is framed in an abstract and autobiographical manner- looking more towards viewer interaction, rather than being solely self-serving.

to play the game, go in the embedded window below! ︎︎︎
The Story of Nani: True Lies:
The purpose of the game is a little challenging, purposefully frustrating the player. With a timer, “releasing” goats and chickens every 5- 40 seconds randomly depending on each playtime, the game experience is different each playtime.
stills from the game ︎︎︎

This project served as a vehicle of self- reflection, completely coded in p5js, using royalty free music from freesounds.org and YouTube (with the exception of Ave Maria). All images are mine.
my code made in p5js ︎︎︎