a campaign to bring more awareness to the MTA’s budget crisis and stop the constant fair hikes without improvement for riders and riders’ lives
Poster Design
Social Media Design
Nonprofit Design
Design a campaign raising awareness of the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s budget crisis for the New York Public Interest Research Group’s (NYPIRG) Straphangers Campaign. This campaign advocates for riders rather than the MTA, speaking for those that already can’t afford the fare as is.
Not enough people know about the budget crisis the MTA undergoes, how poorly their money is spent, and the economic disparities this brings upon the riders. How can we empower riders to take action against the MTA and New York City funding?
Created a series of posters and social media posts including information about the social and economic divides that is caused by low funding of the MTA.

Fair Fares Campaign Promotional Material︎︎︎

The fair fare campaign is exciting, fresh, and informative. Using the motifs of the recognizable metrocard to tie them all together. The colors for this campaign were chosen to be mirroring these motifs and historical protest art- so as to be welcoming, yet remind the viewer of the past efforts gone for fair fares.
The Posters︎︎︎

Social Media Posts︎︎︎